Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Prep Yourself

:: Handbag,  Pumps, Jacket {via warehouse sale},  Dress,  Button Down {old},

I absolutely love all things nautical, and this jacket just does it for me. I snatched this baby up about a month ago while experiencing my first Jcrew Warehouse Sale. I couldn't be happier with it. While it does have a summer feel,  I plan on finding ways to wear this throughout the fall season. The weather in East Tennessee has been all over the place, so finding ways to wear it soon shouldn't be an issue.

I also am loving this dress which is a recent Jcrew Factory purchase. I love the versatility of being able to wear it sleeveless during summer and starting to layer during fall to keep it in the mix. I could; however, kick myself because now I could get half off of what I paid. ((This always happens to me!)) 

Layering is my favorite thing about fall fashion. Being able to toss a button up under my favorite dresses makes getting ready so easy.  I am by nature a creature of habit, so getting stuck in the same color story for extended periods of time isn't out of the ordinary. I try to buffer this by changing out accessories and sticking with a semi-neutral palette. 

I hope everyone has an amazing end to the week. If you're like me, you're working for the weekend! Especially one that is three days!!!! I cannot wait for Labor Day and of course the FIRST Saturday of college football!!!! Is anyone planning on attending a game? If not, you're missing out! Especially those SEC fans out there. Even if sports aren't your thing, there is something about the atmosphere and activities surrounding football season that would make anyone happy! 

Thanks for stopping by! I plan to have another post up before the weekend on my favorite looks from summer so be on the look out. 

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