Monday, December 23, 2013

Plaid for Christmas

Scarf: Forever 21, in store only, similar// Sweater: Forever 21// Jeans: 7FAM//
 Boots: Hunter// Bag: Michael Kors// Watch: Michael Kors// Bracelet: J Crew

In my opinion, Christmas and plaid go hand in hand. Plaid is such a classic print and can really help to pull together any look. Like everyone else I know, I am obsessed with blanket scarves right now! I have been loving the Zara one that can be seen wherever you turn, but never got around to ordering it... so finding this one over the weekend at our Forever 21 made me one happy girl. The print on this is a little bit more bold, but also came in at half the price ($12.80).

I wore this over the weekend during our annual visit to Dollywood to see the Christmas decorations. It had been super rainy all day so my Hunter boots were a must. It wasn't super chilly since we are having bi-polar weather here in Tennessee... so a cable knit sweater was plenty enough to keep me warm. I've worn this more times than I'd like to admit in the past couple weeks, but I just gravitate towards cozy sweaters right now. 

I hope you have a wonderful Monday and are as excited for Christmas as I am. I am still feeling pretty under the weather and am hoping this all clears up before Wednesday! Prayers appreciated!

Thanks for stopping by!

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