Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Tender Tennessee Christmas...

Pj's: Aerie// Slippers: AE// Lippie: Lady Danger// Watch: MK// Bracelet: J Crew

Remember me talking about PJ necessities for Christmas morning, here? I can't imagine a Christmas morning without a new pair... and these were just too cute to pass up. I love how simple they are, but the little added touches that make them special... We will be spending our Christmas cozy since I'm still not feeling well... but nonetheless are so excited to have the day together as a family. This is our last Christmas as singletons! Next year will be much different so we are relishing in things today that are soon to be changing... not for the better or worse... but just BIG changes. 

Merry Christmas Everyone! Enjoy your day! 

Thanks for stopping by!

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