Monday, March 3, 2014

Toughen Up

Jacket: Forever 21 (obsessed!!) // T-shirt: J Crew // Skirt: Nordstrom, similar // 
Heels: Sole Society // Sunglasses: Tory Burch // Bag: Forever 21 // Watch: Michael Kors // 
Lips: Pink Neauvou (my go to lately)

When I bought this jacket, I have to admit that I felt a little out of character. I struggle with edgy pieces. I always end up loving them, but adopting new things isn't a strong suite of mine.  I think the feminine details of the jacket make it a little more "me". The quilting is very chanel-esque and gives the jacket a more expensive look. If I didn't know where it was from, I would have thought it was much more expensive.

A way I make myself comfortable in tougher, edgier pieces is to add something soft and feminine. I thought the soft pink of the skirt helped to soften the edges. I always love adding new pieces to my wardrobe, but finding ways to make them my own is super important!

I hope you had a wonderful weekend! I spent mine being super sick and cooped up at home. Talk about a major bummer. I have so much to get done in the next couple months for the wedding so weekends are crazy important! Here's to hoping I feel much better tomorrow and can get back on track! 

Have a great day and thanks so much for stopping by!

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