Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Wedding Wednesday: Week 1: Planning Essentials

Hi there! Welcome to Wedding Wednesday. From the moment this blog was started, I've talked about our wedding and the process we are currently undergoing. I also promised to share my experiences and add in some how-to/ what I've learned type posts. So here we are! Enjoy!

I wanted to start the series off with what is really the most dry portion of the process: Planning to plan! Before decisions are made, there needs to be a clear plan of action that you can follow through the process to ensure that little details don't get lost in the mix. The biggest thing I've realized thus far is that the things you think will be no big deal are actually much more time-consuming than you realize. This is even more true when planning a "destination wedding" or in our case... a wedding closer to family.

For a little back-story... Luke and I live in Tennessee, but the majority of my family lives in the tri-state area (Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania). With us always being so close to Luke's family, we tend to spend much more time with them during holidays and other important events. So, for the wedding... I was very set on having the wedding closer to my family. I was born and raised in Tennessee, but my grandparents are my home... wherever they are. That place just happens to be Delaware. We will be getting married in Dover which is very convenient for most of the family in terms of travel. 

The one hang up I've encountered through the planning process is the fact that most of my vendors have been found via the internet. My grandparents spend the winter in Florida (JEALOUS of them always!) and are not able to visit vendors in my place. So, from a bakery for the cake to music for the reception... thank God for the internet. 

My Nana has been my saving grace because she did a little research before they left for the winter to give me a head start in the searching process, but there is only so much you can tell from a photo on the web. For most things, I won't have a first viewing... simply the night before to get it right!

Here enters a severely heightened stress level...

Step 1: Find or make a list to follow through the planning process. The list below has been such a lifesaver. I found it via pinterest, but it is from a wedding website called The website also has other free printable items that would be helpful for any bride!

Step 2: Grab yourself a May Designs planner. Below is the design I chose for mine. The great thing: you can order a planner specifically made for brides! There is no better way to plan a wedding than having something with you at all times in your purse for when you have those flash thoughts of something you need to add to your to-do list. There are also a million different style options to choose from that will fit any bride's style. 

Step 3: The most important of all! {Decide what is most important to you}. Every wedding is different. We are having a small ceremony and reception since our wedding is taking place over 10 hours away and then having a welcome reception for our family and friends in Tennessee. There are several other details that make me more of a non-traditional bride that I will share throughout this series. If you do one thing through your planning process: prioritize. Also, do it for yourself! This is your day girl! Do what you want! 


Please comment below and share what you would like me to share through this series. I'm so excited to share the details of our wedding with you!

Thanks for stopping by!


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